Some careers are a triumph of organisation and forward-planning. But most aren’t. In my experience, most careers are forged out of exploring opportunities, persistence and hard graft.
A decade ago, I was In my 20s – enjoying life and working in Technical Sales within the construction industry. All was going well until the recession hit. Like a lot of people, I was forced to look at new opportunities which was a pretty bleak experience. But that unexpected, shock event took me on a fantastic journey which ultimately led to setting up Michael Smith Recruitment.
I was very lucky. I was able to move quickly from a trainee, through to senior office manager in a big agency. Looking back, I never thought that I’d be setting out on my own as an independent recruiter.
So why did you do it?
I know from experience that the best-laid plans or dreams don’t always work out, and I don’t think this is a bad thing. These moments – being outside of your comfort zone – are when you’re really tested and you learn valuable lessons from experience.
I was lucky in that I worked with a global company that trained me and provided me with structures to develop my career and opportunities for promotion to senior management.
However, with all big jobs come big sacrifices. My sacrifice lay in the work-life balance and giving away a lot of time with my family.
I was in the frame of mind for a move when good fortune intervened. A chance meeting with an old friend led to me joining Corvus as an associate. This was the best of both worlds – being self-employed whilst having the security of working with one of the most respected brands in local recruitment
However, there was always that little whisper in my head telling me this is not forever so back during the summer I decided to make that leap and set up Michael Smith Recruitment
So, what’s different?
Anyone who’s set up a business knows it’s not easy. There’s just so much to learn and get your head around. But I’m pleased to see that people who I’ve helped before, and who were happy with my service, have returned.
What drives me is building personal relationships, and this is how I aim to be different. Where lots of recruiters go wrong is they take the short-term view or approach clients as transactions. I prefer to take the longer view and treat people like people.
The Sustainability niche
Having sourced for Environmental & Safety roles for so long now, I’ve really got to understand the Sustainability and Recycling industry and sectors and the candidates in the market.
We all know tech is moving faster than we can keep up with, but when you’re small you’re constantly learning new skills and you can use this agility to try new recruitment methods and new ways to connect with people.
So that’s the story so far. Let’s how things look in six months or even a year. At that point, I can reflect again and let you know how I’ve got on.
In the meantime, if you are looking for a new job or looking to hire new people for your team, drop me a line at